Dedicated to the memory of Brenda Sinclair

This site is a tribute to Brenda Sinclair . She is much loved and will always be remembered.


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2nd February 2023
Dear Brenda
2nd February 2023
Today we say farewell, dear Brenda but every day you are remembered with love. With your contagious smile and mischievous sense of humour, we all recall a time you made us laugh. Your ability to always consider the upside and to be forever grateful was oftentimes a gentle lesson you taught by example. As, too, was your zest for life - never wasting a day, you were always engaged with loved ones, friends and the community. That you and Tony travelled across the miles for our wedding, risking border force authority with contraband from the Isle, will forever be a legendary tale of yet another Walmsley antic. Our most favourite memories of life in the UK are those shared with you. Christmas cheer, Isle of Wight weekends with many and various friends and the most hilarious, vodka filled Polish dinner with you and Tony when you stayed with us in London. Mum and Dad reminded me of Jalna stays with you when I was younger. I recall, too your delight at my vivid memory of a very serious chat with your Dad, Uncle Tom, who gifted me a miniature book of poetry which I hold dear to this day. Your positive influence on all those around you continued as our own girls fell in love with you instantly when they met you in Perth. Your earnest interest in them, their hobbies, their thoughts and ambitions gained such respect for the kind grown up who loved freely and really cared. Your tales of some far away island with a beautiful thatched cottage, a pretty garden and always a little dog or two captured their imaginations. We took you to the annual 'Sculptures by the Sea' exhibition at Cottesloe Beach and each year thereafter our girls excitedly return, all the while recounting that adventure with a fondness reserved only for those who have a special place in their hearts. 'Aunty' Brenda's birthday emails, full of news and funny stories were always received with excitement and will be missed beyond measure. Dearest Brenda, thank you for being such a special and important part of our lives. Thank you for the laughs, your generous serves of roast dinners and delicious puddings and most of all, thank you for always lending an ear, recounting a tale and gently guiding us to be better humans by way of your example. With all our love we wish you peace at rest.
Angela, Matthew, Marnie, Emily and Bethany. xxxx
23rd January 2023
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Mountbatten (Isle of Wight)
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